Wednesday, November 5, 2008



It so surreal. I am excited to see what the future holds for our country. I saw history made tonight, our first African American president elected! Honestly, its something I thought I would never see and I am so glad to be wrong. I think he was the best candidate and has the ability to bring some good to our country. I thought both senators' speeches tonight were good (O/T: Have you seen the woman Obama mentioned in his speech? She looks AMAZING for being 106). I think they both love our country. But I must say this is way better than last election. 

However, among all the cheering tonight at the Cage, I must admit I was wondering about Proposal 8 in CA and the other various states that were voting on marriage amendments. It looks now that Proposal 8 will be defeated but only narrowly. Its not looking too good in the other states. While I am super happy for our new president-elect, I am really disappointed that people out there are so threatened by other people wanting to be with the one they love. I don't find it to be that difficult of a situation, its rather simple. All you need is love.

Oh, man. I still can't believe. Obama WON! The Democrats control the House and the Senate. It just all seems so unreal, so amazing. Here's to a productive, successful next FOUR YEARS!

ETA: I went to bed really excited to know that the election results wouldn't change. But I shouldn't have. Prop 8 is going to pass. AZ and FL passed theirs. wtf, America, wtf.


Toi said...

So, on TWOP someone made this comment: "The particular bar I was in had about 12 giant TV screens tuned to Fox, CNN and MSNBC, so I got a pretty well-rounded exposure to the coverage, and to several glasses of something called a "Blue State Shooter," which was in a pilsner glass, so it technically was not a shooter, but that's not the point of this post."

I want a Blue State Shooter. Real bad. We need to find a bar that serves them and then toast to this victory!