Monday, October 11, 2010


  • Today turned into a cell phone free day as I lost the phone or left it at home or something. Whatever I did, I don't have it with me and it's nice.
  • Looked in my closet for appropriate outfit for Frances' wedding. Have determined nothing is right but have no money to buy something new. I'll have to go all project runway with my sewing kit and make something fabulous myself. Or just wear a sheet.
  • After spending almost $100 tuning up my car, I brilliantly drove with the emergency brake and ruined the rear brakes. Something I didn't quite realize until I was trying to stop before smashing into a delivery truck. Lessons learned: 1)don't drive with the e brake on, 2)pump the brakes when they stop working, it slows you down, 3)Wombat is quite handy with fixing cars when I destroy them
  • Wombat said he'd buy me a convertible. I'd just have to rebuild the engine myself. That can't be too hard right?