Thursday, November 24, 2011

Smorgasbord of thought...

  1. I am truly thankful for all of you! To me Thanksgiving is about celebrating the family you've acquired over the years. It might not always be the people who are related to you by blood but the people who you actually like being around. So to all of you, I love and miss you!!! Hope you have a relaxing day filed with calm and yummy foods!
  2. So Murphy has heartworms. It's something we knew we when adopted him from the pound but I was just so excited that they were finally releasing him after he beat kennel cough that I didn't even think about it. However, we're just about to start the real treatment after months of preventative medicine and antibiotics. I'm scared. I keep reading all this stuff on the internet about how a high percentage of dogs don't even survive the treatment. And he has to get shots of arsenic and be in his cage for two months.'s terrifying. But he's young and strong and I don't think the vet would put him through this all if she didn't think he'd survive. So we just have to be positive!! (PS I don't know how parents go through stuff like this with kids, gah!)
  3. I have my own kitten. His name is Voodoo Ben Franklin Phil Collins. For short I call him Voodoo. He's adorable and stripped and has a bunch of thumbs. I can't believe I have my own kitten. It's bizarre. That's a picture of Murphy and Voodoo below. They are best friends and snuggle together.

  1. The dress I wanted for Christmas has sold out. Quelle surprise! So I have now decided anyone of these shall do especially the ones with sequins. 
  2. Should I be concerned that when I sent Wombat this link for our trip to Portland, he sent back this link?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

4 weeks of overtime

Just completed my fourth continuous week of overtime.
  • It included 2 Saturdays.
  • I've been made a secret team leader for the project we've been working on. It's a project for another department so why they can't have someone be in charge, I don't know.
  • It doesn't come with a raise. (I asked)
  • I miss having a lunch hour.
  • I miss leaving work when the sun is still out.
  • Team leader is really just another word for babysitter.
  • My director just realized she didn't get me a birthday card. I told her not to worry. It was a theme this year.
  • I just realized my department is run by Mean Girls. I'm sad that they all make more than me.
All in all, I would really enjoy some fondue and pumpkin pie margaritas are delicious.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Window shopping

Found my Christmas dress. Now just need to wait for it to go on sale, like 95% off should do the trick?

Anyone else obsessed with Impulse by Karl Lagerfeld at Macy's? I want it all. I'm incredibly jealous of Pomme's discount right now. Though, the model in their campaign scares me a bit.

Also, I really wanted to get some pieces from the Missoni collection at Target. But now I'm scared I wasn't fast enough and it'll be all picked over by people who are price gauging it on Ebay. Sad times.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


On Sundays, I drive Wombat to work. I take the long way past the community park and there, on the other side of the tennis courts across the street from the little league baseball fields, is a bocce ball court. Every time like clockwork, there is a group of little old men playing a game. One of them brings a boom box that plays classic Italian songs (except for last week when it was playing a weird mash up of Italian love songs and French techno). I always try to hit the red light so I can soak it all in because for that brief moment I feel like I'm back in Italy. By the time I drive back through about 15 minutes later, they are all gone.

It's my favorite moment of the week.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dumb luck?

Am I dumb because I left my keys in the ignition which caused the battery to die twice this week?


Am I lucky because I left my keys in the ignition with the doors unlocked twice this week and no one stole my car?

Oh, and I went to warm up my lasagna at work and when I came back upstairs they had laid off everyone I had been hired with and about a third of the company. I'm scared to take lunch now.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Someone come play the sibset game* with me over at youcan' because my boyfriend is lame and wont do it with me. Please!!!!!

*The way some of the names are spelled terrify me.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I started a Pinterest account today and it is inspiration overload. I love it. If only, I was actually crafty.

This weekend will spent with my family who has descended upon my fair city. We will shop, eat, drink, party and laugh. I can't lie. I'll spending most of my time worried that every one thinks I'm fat. My grandma did ask if I was pregnant last time I saw her. I wish I didn't have to spend it with my extended and I could just hang out with my immediate family.

Hope you all have a Fourth of July full of fireworks!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Conflict Kitchen

I want to eat here.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

These Old Shoes

I finally got my laptop repaired. It's been about six months without it and I've missed it so.

I bit the bullet and left my parent's cell phone plan. Same number, same phone for the moment but it's up to me to pay the bill now. I thought this means I'm officially not financially tied to them anymore but I just realized I'm still on their insurance until August when my benefits through work kick in.

So I'll wait out the next few weeks and then I think I'm officially an adult??

Saturday, June 11, 2011

- - - - -

I think I've officially been away too long as blogger took a hell of a long time to log in just now.

I came across these cinemagraphs and thought they were really cool so I wanted to share them.

But then I thought why don't I just move the blog to wordpress right now or start a tumblr or something. However, per my conversation with Pomme, I am not starting anything new until I have found a distinct purpose for it. Like a food blog, or road trip blog, or something like that.

So for now, I'll just randomly pop up with stuff until I can find someway to focus my time.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


So I wrote you all Christmas Cards. Very beautiful and nice Christmas cards. And I was drunk while doing it so who knows if I spelled things correctly. But anyway, I then took the cards and shoved them in a purse. A week later I found them and in an attempt to force myself to finish addressing them, I put stamps on all of the envelopes. My next step was shoving them back in the purse, still unaddressed. I discovered them today. My options are now A) send them out almost 2 weeks after Christmas, B) save them for next year and be super awesome by already crossing something off of my 2011 Christmas to-do list or C) use the envelopes to send you guys some other kind of holiday card such as St. Patrick's Day or Valentine's Day or Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day because postage is probably going to go up by next Christmas. We'll see what I actually get my lazy ass to do.

This previous summer, I was trapped in a freak sudden horrible rainstorm on my way back from work. I had shoved by iPod in the outside pocket of a backpack instead of putting it in a water safe pocket because I'm really smart like that. Once making it home, I discovered it had been sitting in a puddle of water. But I was late for something and still soaking wet so I just left it on top of a bookcase and ran away because denial is always the best course for wet electronics. Since then, the battery life has shrunk and it frequently runs out of juice. When this happens, the time and date reset to December 31, 1969, every single time. So obviously this means that in the near future I get to time travel and I go back to 1969 where I get into all sorts of trouble. Thus forcing myself to figure out how to send a message to current me via my poor mentally retard iPod Touch. It totally makes sense.