Sunday, June 28, 2009


I'm in the middle of working 8 days straight without a day off. It sorta sucks but oh well, what can you do? 

Today, a customer asked my name and then asked if it ended in an A or an I. After all that, he kissed my hand and walked away. 

My new cousin arrived this morning. I think she's pretty cute!

Did you guys know the Tour de France goes through Perpignan this year? That leg is dedicated to Dali and according to the Tour de France website "If [Dali's] influence inspires the pack in the Corbières or along the seaside, anything will be possible." Hahaha, how utterly French!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Oh man, what is with this week? Could it be over any faster?

This pang of homesickness is the biggest one I've felt since moving here. I don't know what it is. But all I can think about it being home right now, my bedroom, hanging out with my brothers, playing with my dog. Its all I want yet so far away. It sucks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


  • My family came to visit. It was really nice to hang out with them. Though, I wished they hadn't brought my grandparents. They are getting mean and called me fat about 3 times.
  • I saw No Doubt in concert. It was amazing.
  • Its official! I'm going to visit Pomme in July! I am so so so excited!
  • I am one Italian Ice purchase away from a free one. I am also really excited about that.
  • I now own a George Foreman grill. I finally made it to the 90's.
  • I think I want to own my own used bookstore with a small cafe.
  • I discovered PNC Park sells Oberon. I may have to go to more baseball games.
  • I think I could live in a large city for the rest of my life as long as I have a cabin to escape to in the country.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I'm getting restless. I am so anxious for change. I find myself searching for apartments in Seattle or Portland. And then I bounce to the opposite side of the country and look up Maine. Moving to Pittsburgh went so well. Dare I say it was even easy? I don't know. I know its foolish to think moving to a brand new city will always be that simple. But a huge part of me wants to see if it will be. 

When my mom was in town this weekend, she confessed that she thought after this year I would have moved closer to home, not necessarily Saginaw but I think a big part of her thought I would be living in EL with Toi. I am not quite sure why she thought this because I don't think it ever came up but she did. I guess I'm not ready to settle down and have those responsibilities. I like having my freedom and the opportunity to pack up and move. But now I know that every time I do, I hurt my parents just a little bit because I'm not a quick drive across the state. I guess its just all a part of growing up, sucks a tad.

So if anyone next August feels the need to pack up, close their eyes and throw a dart at the map, I'm down.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


These make me happy. I like focusing on the happy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Ever realize you aren't over something at the worst possible time? 

Something that you didn't even think was that big of a deal when it happened. But then you start to say it out loud and your voice gets all crackly and your eyes start to water and your hands begin to shake.

Yeah, I did that today at work. At work, in front of a customer as we chatted. 

So blah, fantastic, family comes tomorrow and my room isn't clean and I haven't decided what to make them for breakfast and I need to take a shower and all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep and this is a very long sentence.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I want to post but I can't think of anything besides