Thursday, February 26, 2009


I have this weird love/hate relationship with Ingrid. And I think I pretty much love this cover of hers until 2:12 where she sorta stops singing for a little bit. I can only imagine that she was overcome by the desire to go eat a burrito and forgot to keep singing or something like that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009





Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I miss traveling.

I miss Europe.

Its like my drug, my natural high.

Its a very expensive habit.


Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've become a morning person. I like waking up early and seeing the sun rise. I make myself some coffee and listen to some music, read a little. Its nice. Its weird. But I guess its completely different getting to choose when I wake up and being forced to wake up for class or work. 

I just finished watching the last episode of 'Dead Like Me.' It was such an awesome show. This episode centered around Halloween and now I really want to get a giant poofy princess gown and a tiara and swirl and swoosh and go get some candy. I also would like my own Callum Blue. He's dreamy in that skinny British sort of way. 

I got my latest Allure magazine and on the cover it told me "Pretty is Back." Umm....pretty was gone? Where did it go? Did Justin Timberlake have anything to do with this? 

The Oscars on are tonight. I completely forgot. But then I remembered and it made me think of last year's awards. That was one awesome day. I believe Toi, Pomme and I played James Bond GoldenEye all day long, like for real ALL DAY. Pomme made us a delicious chicken dinner. We liveblogged over on I cannot believe its been a year since that day. It really seems like it was just a few months ago. Its weird. I never would have imagined I would be living in Pittsburgh living this wonderfully crazy life. I guess it just goes to show you cannot plan anything but I think thats really awesome.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I want some new rain boots. The ones I have now aren't super waterproof anymore. But I still like them a lot. Do I get the same pair again?
Or do I get these ones?
They also come in black too.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I promise to write more than a sentence this time. Last night instead of our weekly pilgrimage to the bowling alley, we went to the bar to quench our thirst. To be honest, BART and I wanted to get drunkity drunk drunk. I feel we succeeded. It was $2 import night. I went to Holland and Canada. Then at midnight, it was our friend's 21!st birthday. We switched bars and continued the fun until late in the evening. Sooo I thought when I finally got to bed that I would have fallen into a deep sleep lasting 8 hours. 


5 hours later I was wide awake. Its getting to be annoying. I now get sleepy at around 5 in the afternoon but its not like I can go to sleep then.

Sorry for all the texts and calls last night. I think I bombarded some of you and I apologize. I was in a very loving mood. And I know I probably rambled. Next time, I will have someone take the phone. I was doing that meme on facebook in which you open your iTunes and random songs are answers to questions. I got to the one about what your friends think and it was 'Too Much' by the Spice Girls. I feel like I might be too much at the moment so just tell me to shut up. Really! I swear.

Oh, and I got a promotion at work. I'm not sure how I feel about it.



Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I can't sleep for more than 5 hours. My internet is being funky. 


Fix me.

Monday, February 16, 2009


This week just got a hell of a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I feel as though I haven't blogged in a long time but I see that I just blogged yesterday. I'm sure I had more to say but I'm feeling utterly exhausted. So I'll write all about my horribly exciting life later. Until then look at this picture of Monkey, he looks like a real person. It blows my mind. 


Saturday, February 14, 2009


I can see the full moon from bed when I lay down. Its pretty, Its comforting. It illuminates my room and helps me get some sleep. It also helps explain my behavior of late.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Reasons I love living in this city:
  1. There are like 4 Asian restaurants, 5 coffee shops, 3 ice cream shoppes and a cupcake bakery within 2 blocks of my apartment.
  2. Its February 11th. Today, I walked home not wearing a coat eating an ice cream cone and was perfectly comfortable. Later, I left the house in just a dress, tights and a sweater. It was awesome. When it gets colder, I will cry and refuse to leave my bed.
  3. Having a random conversation in a random parking lot.
  4. Eating at Eat-N-Park, seeing a friend through the window and having him come in to join us.
  5. Looking out my window and seeing hills dotted with rainbow colored houses. For a brief moment, I thought I was in Europe. But more importantly, it felt like home.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hypothetical question time!

If you had to go see a rapper in concert, who would you see and why?

I would see Jay-Z. He seems like a nice guy. That hat is awesome. And 99 problems is still one of my all time favorite songs.


Damn, I missed a day. I meant to blog really I did but I got distracted by things. Not much happened today. The Wings beat the Pens, 3-0. I ate some raisinettes and sour gummy worms. I watched the Grammys and was boredddddd but lacked motivation to actually turn the channel. And yes, honestly I was waiting for Chris Brown to run across the stage being followed by the police. That would have been smashing.

Hmm...I've been watching Dead Like Me lately. Its really good. But then again all of Bryan Fuller's shows usually are. They just all get canceled though.

To wrap things up how about a Monkey photo? Cogene just sent me some new ones. I like this one the best because she makes this expression too.

I wonder what happened that made him make that face?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Today when I opened my email I was greeted by this picture.

Its my ELEPHANT! Kimana is the little one all the way on the right. He is just so cute! It made my day.

It is ridiculously nice outside. Its supposed to stay this way for a few days. I hope it does. But I think I am going to have to go shopping for some more warm weather clothes. I'm sick of pants. I just want to wear skirts, dresses and shorts.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Today was a good day.

I hung out with friends.

Saw my bike guys :)

Bought some lotion.

Saw 'He's Just Not That Into You' and the Harry Potter trailer.

Made mini wheel pasta and peas.

Talked to a lot of people. It was nice.

Realized how much I miss my best friends :(

Can't wait to be in the same state again, only if its for a little bit.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I've discovered when I'm bored I eat. I ate a lot today. Work was especially slow and none of my bike guys came in. So to cope I ate. And then I came home and Buddy made a mac n cheese. It was a Martha Stewart recipe with gruyere, cayenne and paprika. It was delicious. But I think I ate too much and am now finally stuffed. Yet, I did find room for some pickles.
These pickles.
They are delicious. I don't know why. I just know they make me happy. I needed to feel happy especially after the cook at work stole my Krispy Kreme with mint frosting and chocolate sprinkles. It was delicious! I don't even really care for chocolate and mint anymore but this was special. It made me mad.

My mom called today and left this really excited email about how my father is quoted in the letters to the editor in the latest Sports Illustrated. At one point, I can hear my dad in the background saying 'yay' in the least excited voice ever. It cracked me up. But my dad did tell me he is half way through Lamb and he really is enjoying it. I'm glad he took my recommendation even if it took him like 4 years. Its nice to know he listens to me.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I really want to start this entry with ‘Hi There, Moi Here’ sorta like Face from Nick, Jr. That phrase has been stuck in my head all day and I don’t know why.

Lets see, hmmm, last night I went bowling. It was fun. One of my scores broke 100 but then I remembered I let this guy bowl for me for a few frames. But I was really excited before I thought of that. I also learned that if you share a cigarette with someone it means you are on the verge of having sex with them and if you bum a smoke off of someone its like you signed a consent form to have sex. This was all news to me so I thought I would pass it on. Afterwards, we went to get pizza and discovered the pizza guys like, they really like us!

But then I fear I may have spent too much time talking because by the time I got home and went to bed I only got 5 hours of sleep before having to go to work. I’ve been exhausted all day. After work, I went with BART to the Waterfront and she bought me some McD’s. It was delightful. And then I went to meet up with Smiley at this Tea cafe around the corner. Smiley is a few years younger than me and she’s just so uhhh I don’t want to use the word naive because I think that has some negative connotations with it. But she slightly is, she has all these views about how the world should be and I can’t help but find it slightly amusing. Normally I would be really annoyed because her opinions are very different than mine. However, I’ve learned to appreciate them because I like having friends that aren’t carbon copies of myself.

I’ve been thinking lately that Ben Roethlisberger would make a good friend. Like he’d be really useful in getting things down from tall shelves. He’d be able to get me Steelers tickets whenever I wanted. I’m trying to think of a negative of having him as a friend and I really can’t see one. Sure, it may be because I think he’s kinda cute but I always have a small crush on the winning QB of the Superbowl. But it always goes away by the start of the new season.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Dear Friends,

Do you remember last spring semester when Pomme and I searched and searched for summer concert festivals? You probably don’t because I think our search last one day possibly a Senate session before we gave up and declared it impossible. But I always kinda regretted not getting together with everyone and going. So I think we should this year. And I think we should go to Bonnaroo 2009. The lineup seems really cool. I mean The Boss, did anyone not see him on Sunday? The man is kinda old and he slid across the stage right into a camera man. It was awesome. We rewound that part over and over and over. And there are going to be a ton of other cool acts such as Beastie Boys (no The, who knew?), Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Jenny Lewis, Andrew Bird, Elvis Costello,  Al Green!, Snoop Dogg, The Decemberists, Phish (I mean I don’t really know their music but their ice cream is delicious) and the Ting Tings. 

Sure its a lot of money. So maybe not Bonnaroo this year even though it’d be super cool. But we should really plan something. A road trip somewhere, a less expensive music festival, a weekend at some cabin, SOMETHING. Because guys, our friendship might....................................DIE. Yes, I know dramatic but possibly true. This is could be our last summer before real life really takes over and makes us grown ups with children. (SCARY!) Okay so think about it, PLEASE!



Monday, February 2, 2009


So it is February. Weird to think we are already in our second month of 2009. Time really is just flying by. I can't believe next year is 2010. Thats just crazy. 

I think I am going to blog everyday this month. Don't hold me to it but it a goal of mine. Today I watched Wet Hot American Summer for the first time. I wasn't quite paying attention to the movie but it was funny. I definitely need to re-watch it to catch all the inside jokes. 

My thumb got bent all the way back at work on Sunday. It hurts. I never realized how much I use my thumbs. But it hasn't slowed down my texting, no not at all. Now that I have unlimited I plan on taking advantage of it. I shall text people I have never texted before. Maybe even random people. I think its going to be delightful.

The groundhog saw his shadow so that means 6 more weeks of winter. Okay, fine, I can deal with that. I just can't deal with the warm weather for 2 days which melts the snow. But then it freezes turning everything into a giant ice rink. A giant ice rink on a hill that makes it sorta impossible to walk. A little part of me does want to get a running start and see how far I could glide

Sunday, February 1, 2009


This is pretty spectacular. To be in a city whose team has just won its sixth! Superbowl. The fireworks have just ended now. Horns are still being honked. People are screaming, waving their terrible towels and hi-fiving everyone they come in contact with. I've been told everyone will be best friends for the next month. Schools tomorrow are on two-hour delays. The news is showing footage from Oakland where the University is and the streets are packed with people celebrating. 

I watched the game with BART and some friends. I'm pretty sure no one breathed during the last few minutes of the game. It was very intense. I know now why everyone has a terrible towel here. They are very handy to have during the game. One can ball it up in their hands or pretend its a paper bag and breath into it or swing it above your head or simply fold it in your lap. I don't know how I ever watched a football game without one. BART made some tasty lil sausages. It was a resounding success.

Ohhh...The Office should be starting here soon. It was on at least an hour delay due to the game.