Monday, December 28, 2009


Due to the fact that it was snowing this morning when I woke up and that I'm not on the schedule for work until Wednesday, I decided to spend one more day in MI. I'm almost over this cold. I wont miss it.
Christmas Eve continued to be a day that I wish I could skip. My mom's side all assumed I was hungover and took turns smelling my cup of Coke to see if it had alcohol in it. And then I discovered that all cousins under the age of 16 had never seen the original Star Wars trilogy. My cousin and I then forced them to watch the marathon on Spike. It only got worse. They asked what the difference was between Star Wars and Star Trek. They hurt my soul.

We moved on to my dad's side. I even put makeup on for them only to be told I've looked better and hey? am I hungover? Dinner was interrupted when Cogene broke out into hives and ran from the house with her dad and brother in search of Benadryl. They finally returned an hour and a half later after they had returned home to ensure that no one had broken into their house because they had a feeling. The whole family went to church and they made us sit in the 3rd row which was practically the first row as no one sat in front of us.

But the rest of Christmas was wonderful and fabulous. I got over my Christmas funk just in time to enjoy the day, yay!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Slowly but surely I am chipping away at my to do list for christmas. I finally broke down and took some help from my mom. I really hate doing that but I realized I was just being stubborn. I hear I can be real stubborn at times. Hmm....
I am currently sitting at work even though my shift doesn't start for a half hour. I over estimated the amount of time I would need at Barnes & Noble. Then my favorite coffee shop was filled with people. All these people I have never seen before so clearly they are just there to bug me.
Oh I didn't mention that the cold that has been looming for the last 2 months has finally hit. So I am a bit irrational and congested and sore throaty and a teensy bit miserable. Just ignore me. Really.
For real? This little boy is having a complete breakdown over his pizza bagel and something about toasting? He keeps staring at me too. I don't get children. They scare me.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Yesterday, I poured 200 degree water on my left hand.
Today, I cut my left hand with a knife.

I fully expect to dislocate a finger or as Toi helpfully suggested maybe all of my bones will disappear.

I think I'm going to get this haircut when I come back to MI for the holidays.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I just got yelled at by my mother for asking her questions about her Christmas List. This is going to be a very Merry Christmas.

On monday, I spent the day running around the 'burgh with Sniper. She had never been to the incline so we rode that. And then since we had both never rode the T, we did that. The day also included fudge, pitas, drunken shopping at Goodwill and glo-in-the-dark bracelets. Oh, and we ate dinner here. All in all, a very good day off.

I now have two people crossed off my shopping list for Christmas. But that is really only because we agreed not to buy each other presents but go out to a nice dinner instead. At this rate, I should be done with Christmas shopping around April which is when I think I finished last year.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I got my new ID in the mail. I think my picture is decent so I'm pretty happy with it. Except I broke my wallet so now I don't have a place to put the ID. I think I want this one. So who wants to get it for me?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I've decided that when bad stuff happens you just have to find a positive aspect and focus on that.
Self pity wont help anything and probably will make everything worse, make those around you annoyed.

Therefore, lately, I've learned just how deep friendships run. It surprised me and made me feel incredibly loved.

Yup, I'm a warm pile of goo.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I think I accidentally went on a date this weekend. He was a friend who I haven't seen in a while. We ran into each other a few weeks ago and agreed to get together to catch up on life, which sounded perfectly reasonable and friendly. At least I thought so.

But then we got to the bar and he wouldn't let me pay for anything. And then some of things he was saying were setting off bells in my head. He insisted on walking me home and then shocking! asked to use the bathroom when we got to my place. Hahaha soo tricky! I'm not stupid. However, I couldn't think of a reason that he couldn't use it so I let him.

And then the little slime ball tried a move. Ugh, I was pissed, PISSED! I stormed over to the door and made him leave. Oh, dude totally lives with his girlfriend of about a year. So yeah, that was my saturday night. Fun, right?

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I have to get a Pennsylvanian drivers license because apparently I am committing a misdemeanor by still having my Michigan one. Whoops! I should really get on that. I swear I will go do it on Tuesday. BART printed me off the forms. I've collected all the necessary proof of residency so all that is left is motivation. That and the perfect outfit for my new picture.

I am so behind on my Christmas shopping. I have exactly one gift bought. I have about 2 picked out but beyond that I am screwed. I don't know what it is but I'm just not into Christmas this year. I'm enjoying Christmas lights and Christmas cookies and that is about it. I never understood how people could take tropical vacations this time of the year. But I totally get it now.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


My mom asked for a Christmas list. I gave her the Christmas in a very timely manner. But recently, she keeps telling me it is lacking a big, EXCITING! item. My brothers' lists were the same so she just made up things for them. I don't really want her to do that for me. So now I'm racking my brain for something to tell her but I'm not sure what to tell her.
A KitchenAid Mixer?

Any ideas???

Friday, November 27, 2009


I want to make this recipe.

Thanksgiving went well. I survived the party here and the get together at the other side. Sadly, our leftovers are severely lacking. No turkey, no stuffing, no sweet potatoes or squash.

Do people really wear Snuggies in public? I just saw a commercial. People were wearing them at sporting events and at the movie theater. It is a bit weird.

Oh, Monkey is now walking. No, not so much walking but like running all over the places without a care in the world. I can't believe it has been a year.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


So I decided this week that I drink too much pop. Way, way too much. Therefore I should stop so I did. Cold turkey. Boom! And if that wasn't hard enough, I should stop drinking coffee because it can't be all that good for me either.

Ugh, it sucked. I lasted 3 whole days before cracking open a can of coke. Its just not realistic so I've decided to stop drinking carbonated beverages at work. And I'm only allowed one cup of coffee before noon. Soooo....yeah. We'll see how that goes.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Wow, I only blogged twice in all of October. That feels really weird. And sadly, that is all I've got.
I promise to return soon with something. Just as soon as I figure out what it is.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Driving back to PGH by myself is always just a little bit difficult. Tons of mixed emotions and I am always way too impatient for the drive to be over. But then I hit this bend and all of Pittsburgh appears before me and it feels like home. I remember seeing it when I was younger and thinking someday I wont have to leave, I'll live there.

And now, I do.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So I haven't blogged in a week. Whoops. I meant to but I was feeling a bit emotional and in a very sharing mood. But it wasn't good stuff and not really anything I wanted to have out there on the web for everyone to read. However, that has passed and I'm feeling much more like myself now :)

I bought some new sheets after months of searching. I simply wanted some fun sheets that weren't pink or a blah muted shade of sage. It was really hard to find what I wanted. I finally found some at Target. Purple polka dots and aqua paisley. I'm really excited for them.

I went to buy some hot dogs to grill while BART and I watched the Tigers play this evening. Except when I got to the grocery store, the hot dog section was empty and a man was scrubbing the shelf. Hot dogs were no where to be seen. The only ones I could find were Kosher and I just didn't think those would cut it. So I got chips and dip instead because they seemed like a baseball food.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I'm having trouble sleeping and I don't know why. Its annoying and a good night's sleep would be really, really nice.

The Detroit Lions have the same record as the 6 time Superbowl Champions Pittsburgh Steelers. It makes me giggle. It wont last for long though.

A friend mentioned to me the other day when he buys his own house, he wants to decorate each room in a different decade. The kitchen would be the 1950s room. I think for some reason that makes perfect sense.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


So the G20 has ended. Peaceful protests were blown up into destructive riots. People were arrested. Money was lost. Obama turned the focus to Iran. And the most action I saw were an ambulance and fire truck outside of an apartment building that houses old people. I'm disappointed. I wanted so much more.

October is almost upon us and there are some Halloween parties so I will be needing a costume. I don't understand why all the girl costumes follow the same pattern of an adjective such as sassy or sexy or saucy, and then some occupation, such as nurse or police officer or even gardener. While the guys' costumes are gorilla or darth vader. None of their costumes ever come with sexy or sassy. Its not fair or equal. I don't like it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The G20 officially starts tomorrow. Businesses in the neighborhood are boarding up their windows. Signs declaring 'Pittsburgh welcomes the world!' have appeared. I saw a few protesters today. Though sadly, most of the protesters remind me of the dirty, smelly people who hung out near the Perpignan train station.
I'm really excited. This is going to be fun.

I found this visitor's guide to Pittsburgh. It makes me laugh because it is all soo soo true.

Some people are worried about what might happen. Protests getting out of control. Violence and tear gas. I figure it can't be any worse than Europe and their protests. And besides the police officers, who have been assigned to the local grocery stores and schools, aren't even carrying AK-47s.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


My mother called tonight. She was watching Wedding Daze and she thought one of the wedding dresses would be perfect for me...

And then she informed me that she has a huge pile of my old baby clothes waiting for me. You know, for my daughter, the daughter I don't even have. That isn't even a twinkle in my eye because omg! so much work and I'm too young, tooooooooo young.

She's scaring me.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I skipped #238. My bad.

ETA: I did write #238! I just never pushed publish. So whoops! my bad again.

I talked to my cousin yesterday and it turns out she has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. So on top of not being able to eat red meat or pork due to other medical conditions, she can no longer eat bread, pasta, or any dairy. I think that leaves her with fruits, veggies and rice. And that just totally sucks.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Do you guys remember discovering chapter books? And how magical they were? It opened up a whole other world.

I think I want to buy a lego kit just to assemble it. I don't want to play with it or display it. I just want to follow the directions and find the pieces and make something. Basically, I need an 8 year old boy to be my friend so I can steal his toys.


I went to the park tonight and was attacked by bugs. I have this bite under my left eye that is swelling. I think it may be getting bigger. What if my eye swells shut?? It should make work really interesting.

Oh, and the G20 is coming to town. It should be really entertaining. People are already protesting and organizing events. I am pretty excited for it.

Friday, September 11, 2009


It's that time of year again...

Steeler season.

Once again the city is decked out in black and gold. Buses' signs flash with 'GO STEELERS.' And almost everyone wears their jersey or t-shirt that proclaims Superbowl Champs! Even our Coke cans have been taken over.

I kinda can't take it this year. I don't know what it is but isn't it a bit early for fall? I swear it was just May and now we only have 9 days left of summer.

I am excited for fall. For apple cider, sweaters and most of all Dozen's fall menu. Those chocolate 5-spice cupcakes are soooo delicious!

Yesterday, a friend described Pittsburgh perfectly. He said the city is a melting pot of the Midwest's friendliness, the East's liberalness, a good work ethic and a pinch of the South's racism. I don't think I could have said it any better.


Apparently it all makes sense now. I'm nice because I'm from the Midwest.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I cannot get enough of these two. So adorable!


My mom called to tell me that my cousin is engaged and is getting married February 20th. So I'll be in MI that weekend. Now I just need an outfit. I always end up over dressed at weddings in the Thumb. The people who show up in jeans just boggle my mind. So I'll have to find something fun and dressy casual. Maybe something from modcloth?

This is the first family wedding where I can legally drink! Woo. At the last one, I was a few months shy of 21 and it caused some issues. As did my v-necked dress. I didn't really get it.

I think I will be home in mid-October. I'm hoping it will be for at least week and I am going to try to get to Grand Rapids, Lansing and Ann Arbor. So over the next few months, I will be spending a fair amount of time in the mitten. I'm just not looking forward to all that time on the Ohio turnpike, ick!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I think my grandpa has a spy or mole in the 'burgh.
Or at the very least he has me bugged. Its all very weird especially since I haven't seen him since April and we were never that close.
But somehow he knows details of my life out here that I haven't shared with anyone. It totally defeats the purpose of moving 6 hours away if I can't hide anything.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I had my one day off this week yesterday. And it was nice. I didn't really do anything but go grocery shopping for a few essentials.

I think I am coming home for Thanksgiving this year. My mom has recently followed through on her decades long promise to re-do the basement leading her to decide that we need to host Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for her family which at minimum will be 20 and at maximum like 35. And with that many people no one will notice a few extra people so I am inviting you all. She also decided I get to cook the turkey. I think it is going to have to be a large turkey.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today = BAD.

Horribly, hideously, the punches just keep coming-bad.

Sure, it had some highs. Nice, glorious highs. Highs that on a normal day would have me floating.

But the lows were horrid.

Anyway, Aussie came to visit me yesterday. It was pretty cool. We ate Lebanese food and some Italian Ice. Then we facebooked people from college. And she got to be the first one to see the new apartment! Yay!!

Friday, August 28, 2009


OMG! y'all!

I have internet and cable again!

Comcast only took their sweet ass time coming out to hook it up. And then when they finally did hook it up, I couldn't get the internet to work because they hadn't verified our account yet. I mean why would people who paid for internet want to use it right away? That is just silly. You should have to sit around for days to wait for the account to be verified. Gah!

So then I call Comcast only to be put on hold because there is an overwhelming number of phone calls at the moment. Gee I wonder if they are all waiting for their accounts to be verified. Finally, the technician picks our call and really, truly does almost nothing to help us except talk to me and BART about Texas. I'm pretty sure he thought we were one person. We talked about the Steelers, hockey, traveling, the music business (he's in school for music production, its a hard industry to break into he says), law school, the weather, his overtime, blah blah blah. He only had me restart my computer like 3 times. And then we tried firefox and then safari. Poof! It finally worked.

Thus, I am spending my Friday night surfing the internet and watching Project Runway. Or I may just fall asleep due to utter exhaustion because dear god, it has been a long ass week.

P.S. I need a hobby. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I'm going to Kennywood today. I am so so excited! It may be the only thing we actually do that we had on our list for summer. Oh well, the summer has just flown by.

I realize not having cable or internet reminds me of living in France again. I'm so bored so I sleep. The more sleep I get the more sleepy I get. It is a vicious cycle. I don't like it.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm glad this week is almost over. It was shit. shit. shit. shit.
  • I broke my digital camera
  • I broke my headphones
  • I had to say goodbye to Parrot
  • I had to say goodbye to Pickle
  • A customer grabbed me at work. It wasn't to get my attention so I could help him with something. It was simply just to touch me. I didn't like it. I really didn't.
  • I may be a dive bar sort of girl. I can't decide if I like that or if I don't.
  • I still haven't unpacked. I hate that I'm not done yet. But I have no energy or desire to do it.
But this next week is going to be better. I can feel it. Woo! Next week!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Pictures may take a bit longer as I have destroyed my less than a year old digital camera because I am super special like that. Swell!

Happy Birthday BART!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


We moved!

I still really like our new place but totally lack all motivation to unpack.

I'll update later with pictures once we get our own internet. This connection keeps cutting out for me.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Work was going fine.

We were on top of things, cruising along, joking with each other, having a great time.

And then out of nowhere, it hit.

The store imploded with customers, orders, demands, food.

It was a nightmare.

A customer, well I guess he's more like a friend now, brought us beer because we were so stressed.

It was the sweetest, nicest thing anyone has ever done.

I almost cried.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I talked to someone today who's only experience with MI was a visit to Owosso. He seemed amazed that it was 2 blocks of houses and then just fields and silos. And it was so flat. It made me chuckle.

Tonight I was thinking about how I used to spend my summers working with people who were so thankful for their very first toothbrush or how they would ask for another tube of toothpaste because they couldn't afford it at the store. Now I work with spoiled entitled people who think they deserve everything in the world while treating others horribly. Oh what a difference!

The moving day is almost here. My mom, dad and Bubba are heading out on Thursday. I am really, really excited to spend the weekend with them. But I'm also sad that Woie and Harpo wont be making the journey.

Buddy moved out on Sunday. She didn't really say goodbye and thought I was weird for being a bit emotional about her leaving. I don't know. Sure we weren't super close over the year but I got used to her being around. And I know it wont be the last time I see her, but her leaving really signified an end to me for some weird reason. I didn't really learn anything new about her this last year nor do I understand her any better. However, I think we had some good times.

This is my new favorite drink this summer. I can't get enough of it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am currently addicted to That is all.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I seem to have misplaced my Social Security card. It is the same one I just had replaced about a year ago. I for some reason had it stored in my scanner. It was safe there and I knew just where it was so I left it. But then I had to align the print cartridges and I moved it. The only problem is I cannot remember where I moved it to. I'm sort of scared that I packed it away but I don't remember. So now I get to go through all the boxes I've already packed to look for a business sized card. Awesome!

Never mind. I found it in the very first box I opened. YAY!

I don't know if some new people moved into the neighborhood or what, but all night a dog has been howling. It is just the saddest thing ever. Poor dog.

I had Swedish Fish Italian Ice today. It really did taste just like Swedish Fish. Delicious!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Moving closer to home had been really appealing lately. Then within the last 24 hours, the random family drama I had to deal with made me rethink. Granted, it has just been people (my mom and some cousins) calling to complain about their family which can happen wherever I live. But that also means I have the ability to turn off the phone and embrace the silence. Some times families can just suck.


No matter how much stuff I clear out of my room, it doesn't seem any less cluttered. I may own too much stuff. My mother was right. But I'll never tell her that.

I took a 4 hour nap today. It was delightful. I really don't get the opportunity to nap enough and that is sad.

Lately, I have been thinking of moving this blog over to wordpress because I miss wordpress. I just can't decide if it is worth it. I like that blogger hooks up with my gmail and igoogle accounts. But I like all the other stuff wordpress has to offer.

Late night conversations this week have revealed to me that I would really like to know that I will be in a place for more than 2 years. On one hand, I like moving around and discovering new cities. But on the other, it is exhausting. I would like to have one place with enough storage to put all my things. In a sense, to build a home of my own.

But then again, some days that thought of doing that, scares me soooo much because I'm young and settling down now seems scary. Pittsburgh is nice and I love living here now. However, I don't see myself here in the long run. I don't know where I see myself. Maybe in a van down by the RIVER???

Oh and I forgot to add that Squirrel Hill is getting a frozen yogurt store. I am pretty pumped for this because there is nothing better than strawberry frozen yogurt. NOTHING.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I have a burn blister on my lip due to some really hot pizza because I am really cool like that.

I kinda had a busy weekend. I worked both days. I met up with an old work friend on Friday and hung out with Aussie on Saturday night. I think that might be why I feel a bit exhausted right now.

BART and I were talking about how today felt like a really lazy Sunday to us. And then we realized we both worked like 7 hours this morning. So I guess it wasn't that lazy of a day for us.

We move into our new apartment soon and are both super excited!! If only someone would come pack up all our stuff for us. Last night as I slept, my tapestry fell down on my head. Its like my stuff is trying to pack itself, right?

Why do the templates that Blogger provides suck so much?

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Some observations from the past few days:
  • I re-watched Home Alone. Why did they fly to Paris on the morning flight? Do they even have 8 am flights to Paris? There is no way they could have made it to the airport, checked luggage and cleared security with 11 people in 45 minutes. Yes, Home Alone is a movie. I get that but for some reason it really bothered me.
  • As I continue packing for the move, I discovered I have way too many t-shirts. I blame AQ for this. I really don't even wear t-shirts anymore but I don't want to get rid of them. I'll have to figure out something to do with them.
  • During one of my many discussions with this last week my mom as she cleaned out the basement, she informed that if I wanted to keep my stuff I really needed to start moving it out. That took me a bit by surprise but I guess I'm not in college anymore so it makes sense. I just need to figure out where to put it all.
  • Coming home at 2 in the morning and discovering the chain on the door sucks.
  • Late night conversations in the rain are pretty fun.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Oh god, it's creeping in. I tried so hard at first to keep it out but I grew lax and now it's there. I can hear it. Agh!!!

Which American accent do you have?


You're not Northern, Southern, or Western, you`re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don`t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

I sorta hate these quizzes as I second guess almost every answer.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I don't know why but for some reason tonight, I suddenly decided that I hated my template. I couldn't even think about going to bed before I changed it because there was no way I could stand looking at that red, yellow and green anymore.

So I picked this to get me through the night. I don't know. Perhaps I will keep it or maybe I will changed it tomorrow.

All I know is I will be able to sleep soundly tonight knowing that I wont have to wake up to that template tomorrow,

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I just got all this energy to pack up my stuff for the move. So I did. Only like 3 boxes but still it's a start. Probably the earliest I have ever started to pack for anything ever. Hopefully, I can keep it up and everything will be ready for when we actually move.

I wasn't even on the plane yesterday before I started this giant to-do list in my head. It feels a bit overwhelming. But I think I can get it all done. I just have to be really motivated.

Lately, I have been feeling a bit anxious. Like I am waiting for something to start and it just wont. It is really annoying. I hope I can figure it out soon.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I write this from Pomme's totally adorable apartment. It is really cute and comfortable.

I love it here. I really don't want to leave to go back to my real life. It is a lot more fun to run around the city, spending money and eating tons of yummy food. But I guess that is all apart of growing up and being an adult.

This is the first time I have spent more than one night in the Windy city and I like it. I really do. So maybe if Seattle doesn't work out as my next city, I will move here. Who knows??

Monday, July 13, 2009


Work day 6 of 7 straight. Today was interesting. Some really horrible customers with really bad attitudes. 

I am so ready for my mini-vacation in Chicago with Pomme. It could not come at a better time. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I got another business card at work today...hahahahaha

This job is crazy. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I had a dream that I was on a date with Benji Madden and I was having a really good time. We were shopping for a wedding dress. It was really weird and I have no idea what it means or where it came from. 

I now have a car in PGH. So far, its been really nice. But now I am constantly worried that something is going to go wrong with it. I'm sorry that I ever made fun of Toi and Sven's tires. I understand now. 

I really want to go on a road trip to Maine. Does anyone else want to go? I was thinking the fall when the leaves change color. 

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I'm in the middle of working 8 days straight without a day off. It sorta sucks but oh well, what can you do? 

Today, a customer asked my name and then asked if it ended in an A or an I. After all that, he kissed my hand and walked away. 

My new cousin arrived this morning. I think she's pretty cute!

Did you guys know the Tour de France goes through Perpignan this year? That leg is dedicated to Dali and according to the Tour de France website "If [Dali's] influence inspires the pack in the Corbières or along the seaside, anything will be possible." Hahaha, how utterly French!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Oh man, what is with this week? Could it be over any faster?

This pang of homesickness is the biggest one I've felt since moving here. I don't know what it is. But all I can think about it being home right now, my bedroom, hanging out with my brothers, playing with my dog. Its all I want yet so far away. It sucks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


  • My family came to visit. It was really nice to hang out with them. Though, I wished they hadn't brought my grandparents. They are getting mean and called me fat about 3 times.
  • I saw No Doubt in concert. It was amazing.
  • Its official! I'm going to visit Pomme in July! I am so so so excited!
  • I am one Italian Ice purchase away from a free one. I am also really excited about that.
  • I now own a George Foreman grill. I finally made it to the 90's.
  • I think I want to own my own used bookstore with a small cafe.
  • I discovered PNC Park sells Oberon. I may have to go to more baseball games.
  • I think I could live in a large city for the rest of my life as long as I have a cabin to escape to in the country.

Monday, June 15, 2009


I'm getting restless. I am so anxious for change. I find myself searching for apartments in Seattle or Portland. And then I bounce to the opposite side of the country and look up Maine. Moving to Pittsburgh went so well. Dare I say it was even easy? I don't know. I know its foolish to think moving to a brand new city will always be that simple. But a huge part of me wants to see if it will be. 

When my mom was in town this weekend, she confessed that she thought after this year I would have moved closer to home, not necessarily Saginaw but I think a big part of her thought I would be living in EL with Toi. I am not quite sure why she thought this because I don't think it ever came up but she did. I guess I'm not ready to settle down and have those responsibilities. I like having my freedom and the opportunity to pack up and move. But now I know that every time I do, I hurt my parents just a little bit because I'm not a quick drive across the state. I guess its just all a part of growing up, sucks a tad.

So if anyone next August feels the need to pack up, close their eyes and throw a dart at the map, I'm down.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


These make me happy. I like focusing on the happy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Ever realize you aren't over something at the worst possible time? 

Something that you didn't even think was that big of a deal when it happened. But then you start to say it out loud and your voice gets all crackly and your eyes start to water and your hands begin to shake.

Yeah, I did that today at work. At work, in front of a customer as we chatted. 

So blah, fantastic, family comes tomorrow and my room isn't clean and I haven't decided what to make them for breakfast and I need to take a shower and all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep and this is a very long sentence.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I want to post but I can't think of anything besides


Sunday, May 31, 2009


Thursday was my friend Sniper's birthday. We went out to the Cage to celebrate with her. Near the end of the evening a fellow offered to take a picture of what was left of the group. This is what I found on my camera the next morning.
Its almost a picture. Sooo close...

Also, this is a song I can't stop listening to lately.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I had the last two days off. I spent them in Frick Park. It was awesome. 
I blew bubbles. I played frisbee. 
I hiked through the woods and saw a fox. 
I sat under a tree and read my book. I stared at clouds. 

My shoulders got some sun. I like the park.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So I got this scarf for my birthday from AUNT. She said the bird's tail reminded her of me. I don't really know what that means. I'm choosing not to put too much thought into it. Anyway, anyone have any ideas of what I should wear with it? It works pretty well as a headband. I will be honest I don't quite think it is my cup of tea.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I want to learn how to do my hair like this. Anyone know how?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I've been to Paris in the winter.

I've been to Paris in the spring.

I've been to Paris in the summer.

But I've never been to Paris in the fall.

Do y'all think that argument is compelling enough that I could actually go to Paris in the fall?

Monday, May 18, 2009


Woo! Post #200!!!!
Today I
  • worked
  • was pushed!
  • ate some sweet potato french fries
  • defended my love of the Red Wings
  • bought my dad a birthday card
  • window shopped with BART
  • took a walk around my neighborhood, it has beautiful grand old homes and smelled of pot
  • had a croissant with butter and jelly and thought of Amsterdam
  • rediscovered BSB's video collection, its horrifying 
  • drank this beer, it only took like 2 bazillion hours to finish

All in all, a pretty awesome day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hot Damn! I messed up on my numbering. I have 2! entries with the title #184. FAIL. Oh well, only took me about a month to figure it out.

Look at this here picture of Billie Piper on the set of Doctor Who.

I haven't watched any Doctor Who since they that mean horrible thing to Donna. No, I am still not over it. I don't know if I ever will be.

Anyway, thats not really the point here. The point is her scarf! I own that scarf! I got it this winter. Months before the costume department decided to use it in this episode.

Obviously, this means I am a fashionista and can predict fashion trends. Who knew?

I think this will be the new big thing.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


What do you think of this?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I found these pictures on my hard drive. They are from my recent visit to the Mitten. I love having a nephew. He is just the best thing ever.

He gets this look anytime ice cream is anywhere near him.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Once upon a time, I moved to the 'Burgh into an apartment just down the street from a Jewish elementary school. 

One day, this school decided to have an outdoor concert that started at 9 pm. Bad polka-esque music blared from speakers for hours. Sometimes people sang and sometimes they clapped along. 

It may never stop.

The End.


So last night, I was bored. Really bored. Sure there were things I could have been doing but I had absolutely no energy to do them. Instead, I sat on the couch and watched TV. Eventually, I worked up enough motivation to get up and get a slice of pizza. 

And just when I got back to the couch, this commercial started playing and basically its whole message was I was just eating because I was bored and how would I ever lose weight if I was bored all the time and therefore just shoveling food into my mouth. BLAH BLAH BLAH Damn TV commercial. It was totally uncalled for and whatever. I turned off the TV and went to bed at 10:30 because seriously? nothing else to do. 

My phone, the new one I got in October, broke. The microphone where I talk into just stopped working. At first, I thought it was just the people I was talking to. And then I thought maybe I had just stopped speaking English like this episode of House I just saw. But logic caught up with me and I realized the phone wasn't working. Well I could still text and really what else do I need the phone for? However, after calling home to wish my mom a Happy Mother's Day and my father flipping out because HE COULD NOT HEAR ME AND OMG ARE YOU HURT? ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? WHERE ARE YOU???????? I took the phone to Verizon where they confirmed that 'Yup, its not working. Here is a new one. Have a nice day.' So that was nice especially since my old one was a bit beat up as I have dropped it numerous times and thrown it in the washing machine. like for the last 3 weeks, I wake up with a sore throat. I thought maybe I was getting a cold but all the other symptoms went away. Now its just a sore throat every morning. I blame Toi.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Bored am I.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Growing up I always wanted an older brother. I saw no flaws in this request. None. 

I take it back. I take it all back.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I had the day off today. It was nice. I did nothing just what I like to do on my days off.

I think I am stressed about something. My right eye keeps twitching and I have noticed my hair is sorta falling out just a tad. The thing is I don't know what I am stressed about. It's a mystery. It's odd. I don't like it.

Does anyone else think the nickname 'short round' is just a bit too similiar to ground round?or is it just me?

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Our landlord called and told us he would be over in about an hour to show the apartment. So of course we fled because being here would have been totally awkward. The three of us ended up at B&N. It was bad, I now want so so many books. 

I call this list books and DVD collection that are destined to be mine just as soon as I get some cash:

Friday, May 1, 2009


Its May. When did it become May? April seemed to have flown by. 

The last few days have been funky, just a little bit weird. Maybe it because I've been feeling sick lately. Like cold and allergy sick. Not swine flu. I really haven't been following that. I'm not concerned about it. I don't want to know about it. I'm just going to keep living like I am.

Any of you get twitter updates sent to your phone? Have you tried the feature that lets you turn them off for a period of time? Does it work? I thought I remembered someone telling me that it doesn't work. 

I sorta want to go to the zoo tomorrow but tomorrow is also the Pittsburgh marathon which apparently shut downs the automotive traffic all over. So maybe no zoo tomorrow? I guess we will have to see. I am craving some Pamela's so maybe I will have to convince Buddy to come along with me. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is the post in which I copy Toi because I am bored and need to waste some time before bowling.

1. What's the most exciting thing that happened to you today? I have to say?

2. What are you wearing right now?
Purple shirt, brown shorts

3. List 6 of your favourite songs right now:
Josh Ritter--"Right Moves"
Josh Ritter--"Snow Is Gone"
Punchline--"The Getaway"
Lady Gaga--"Eh, Eh"
Jason Mraz f. Colbie Caillat--"Lucky"
Kelly Clarkson--"I do not hook up"

4. What did you have for breakfast?
I had some taco salad at like 2. Does that count?

5. Weirdest habit?
Maybe my hamster fear?

6. What was the last present you received?
A check from my grandparents.

7. What couldn't you live without?
So cliche but my friends. You guys make life fun.

8. What time did you go to sleep last night?
I think around midnight.

9. What was the last movie you saw?
In theaters? Sunshine Cleaning

10. What did you last watch on TV?

11. What are you going to do tomorrow?
Work, like all day. Blah.

12. When is your birthday?
April 24th

13. Do you have a middle name?
I do. Its my great-grandma's name. I'm like one of 26 of her descendants to have it a part of their name. I just recently learned that.

14. Which websites do you usually visit online?
igoogle/Gmail, ONTD, Facebook, Pioneer Woman (I want her life)

15. What are your favourite shops?
Anthropologie, Lush, Target

16. Do you like cake?
Its not bad. Not my favorite dessert.

17. What was the last book you read?
Sin in the Second City

18. What can you hear right now?
The tv; True Life:I'm Eloping. This one couple are idiots.

19. Why did you do this meme?
I was bored.

20. What are you going to do after posting this meme?
Figure out what to wear to bowling.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

#18something I think? (187)

My birthday was a ton of fun! Like one of the best I have ever had. It is funny in that almost nothing turned out like I thought it would but it all turned out good. I got this card signed by everyone at work and a few of my favorite customers. It is so amazing I cannot even describe it. Like it I may love it more than Sully. I made some new friends and caught up with some people I have not seen in a while. Got a blast from the past from one person. Not quite sure how I feel about that or what I should do about it. Oh well. Thanks all for the birthday wishes and calls and texts. It meant the world to me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today at work I was
  • told I looked like Shannon Doherty. I don't know if this is a compliment or not because she is sorta a bitch.
  • winked at.
  • called short stack and had my head rubbed.
  • told 'its a date' when I told a customer I would be able to refill his pop.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


BART, BART's bf and I went back to look at the apartment we checked out on Monday. It was still just as cute as before. We got a chance to talk to the landlord who would be living in the downstairs apartment. He was really cool. Had some nice things to say about MI which around here is very rare. Anyway, he is e-mailing us a lease and we'll send in a deposit and VOILA! a place to live next year. It was a lot easier this year than last year (but its still not for sure yet so now I'm all paranoid something wont work out because that is just how I roll). I was going to post some pictures but all my energy just went away so later...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Long time. No post. Lets see...

I tried to post from my new iPod but for some reason it wasn't working. My parents got me an iPod touch for my birthday. So far it is awesome and I love it. I'm thinking of naming it Sully but I'm not sure yet. I'm taking Baby!Bro's advice to spend a few days with it before deciding for sure. 

Flying to Michigan and back to Pittsburgh was just a huge headache. It was just a big bummer.

Turns out I don't have to work friday. One of my BFF volunteered to work it so I wouldn't have to which is sooooo nice of her. So now I have this whole day off and absolutely no idea what to do with it. I will probably just end up bumming around the house but maybe I will think of something to do.

BART and I think we have found a place to live next year. I don't want to jinx it because I love it so so much but I will say it brings back fond memories of our Amsterdam hostel. Oh good times.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I have finally made it to Grand Rapids after an unexpected night in Cleveland. The hotel was really nice but I forgot to take pictures like I told Toi I would. It all worked out and I made it here. The whole thing made my parents decide that I really really need a car out here in Pittsburgh so we shall see.

I am currently hanging at Frances' apartment until she come back from class. And then, I'm not sure what exactly we will do but it should be awesome. Later tonight, I will be dining with MMM. After, I will be heading to Saginaw for a couple of days of family fun including a bowl-a-thon, a baby shower and a belated Easter celebration. Woo!!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I worked yesterday. Then I came home and Buddy had made dinner. It was delightful. We had roasted chicken, rice pilaf and roasted asparagus. For dessert, she made bread pudding. I had never had bread pudding before but it was delicious. She used the pioneer woman's recipe. In fact, I think almost all the recipes from yesterday's dinner were from that website. It was so nice to come home and have dinner waiting for me. 

We hardly ever eat dinner together. We all have such different schedules. I miss it. I really do. Plus, it sucks cooking for just one person and having all those leftovers. And as my grandma told me on the phone this weekend, "When you eat all the time, you really pack on those pounds and thats just not good. Can't wait to see you next weekend!" Oh yes, going home to see my family should be a rocking good time.

One of the many, many things I want for my birthday was a Punchline concert on my birthday. I mean Buddy got one and she isn't even that big of a fan. It was looking pretty slim that I would get one. And then! BART alerted me to their announcement on twitter. It turns out they are doing a show on the 25th which yes is one day after my birthday but! they will be recording the concert for their new DVD and its supposed to include all their greatest hits! So hopefully, they will play The Getaway and it will be awesome. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hi world!

I do not like the ad at the top of my blog. I'm sure its encoded in the html and I'm sure if I spent enough time messing around with it, I could delete it. But I haven't really had time or energy lately to do that. I just wanted you guys to know that I don't like nor do I want it there.

My Anthropologie dress finally made it to my house. It only took an additional week because someone confused a 2 for a 1 when looking at the zip code. But ya know, I didn't have to make one phone call to get the whole situation corrected so I'm not going to complain. The dress was sorta heavy when I pulled it out of the box but once I put it on, it was pretty comfy. Now I just need to find a bra to wear with it because it was obviously designed by a man who did not think about this problem. 

BART bought us a new shower curtain. Its super cute with a bunch of vertical stripes. I searched all over the Target website to find it but I can't. I would take a picture but that seems like a lot of work at the moment so maybe next time?

Another girl I knew from high school had a baby yesterday. I guess we are just in the age group where more and more people will be having babies or getting married. I don't know but to me, it seems like we just graduated from high school. It really does. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This new layout reminds me of strawberries. It seemed appropriate for the upcoming seasons. I also now desperately want those shoes. They make me happy.

Passover does not make me happy. It started today and boy, oh, boy are some of the people celebrating this holiday CRANKY. I know they can't have flour and have to eat matzo but its really no reason to be absolutely positively miserable. I just keep thinking of all the energy they waste being unhappy. It must be horribly sad and lonely.

Today I was asked if any Jewish boys had invited me to seder. HA HA HA I was also told if I played my cards right, I could someday become Jewish. Who knew? I wish I could only be that lucky.

I bought this book yesterday. I plan on reading it during my flights next weekend. I'm 
pretty excited to be reading a history book for fun rather than being forced to for class. 

I have also been struggling to get through this book. Its been about 4 months now and 
I just can't seem to finish it. that I think about it, I have at least 2, possibly 3 books on my bookshelf that I have started and still haven't finished. Maybe I should stop buying new ones and just finish those??

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I like this room.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I was informed today that I already have plans for NYE '10. My cousin and his fiancee are getting married that day. So I have almost 2 years to find a date. I think I can do it.

Friday, April 3, 2009


2 things today:

  1. I didn't have any weird dreams last night. In fact, I didn't have any so yay!
  2. Do you guys think I abandon people? Where is the line between having to do things for yourself and staying behind for those who need you?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I am in a much better mood today. Thanks for putting up with that angsty entry from yesterday.

I was talking with my mom. She seemed upset that I'm only coming home for 4 days. I don't know what she expected. Its not like I am in school and can come home for weeks at a time. It just doesn't work like that anymore. Oh well. I think she will get over it. I guess she will just have to. 

I don't like having the pregnant dream. I dislike it even more when in the dream, I am happy to be pregnant. Its just weird. WEIRD.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009





I feel like blogging but then I don't. I just want these thoughts to come flowing out and arrange themselves on the monitor. So I can figure out exactly what I want to say, exactly how I feel. Ever since moving here, I haven't minded the uncertainty. In fact, I have welcomed it. But as of right now, I would like a break from it.

God, Toi, I think some of your angst has made its way over to me this week. If I could stop being such a teenager, I think everything would be a ton easier. So yeah, super, awesome, spectacular.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


The Josh Ritter concert blew me out of the water. It was amazing. He was adorable. His band was so cute. The music made me happy. It was an awesome experience. He played this new song. It was my favorite of the evening.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


This has been a weird week and I'm glad its over. I haven't been homesick but Pittsburgh hasn't exactly been a ton of fun. So I really think I just want to get away from here and go on a vacation or something. Just not have to be me for a little bit. It would be nice.

My mom's mom has been in and out of the hospital all week. Its something to do with her blood pressure and now she is going to see a cardiologist. Its frustrating not being home, not being able to do anything, not understanding any of the medical terms. I'm not very patient when it comes to these things. I just want them to find out what is wrong and fix it. I don't think it seems that difficult. I think the worst part is hearing my mom's voice on the phone. She sounds uncertain and scared. I haven't heard that in her voice before. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm going to a concert this weekend. Josh Ritter is playing at Diesel. I'm going with the roomies as well as some guests from Albion. I must admit I'm not super excited mostly because I don't really know the guy and lets be honest, there is no way he can compare to Punchline. But the part, I'm really excited about is MILKSHAKE FACTORY! We went after the PL concert and it was heavenly. I can't wait to go back and try a new flavor. Its a goal of mine to try them all. 

I have the weekend off again this week. I know I should be excited. I used to dream about getting the weekends off and now this is my second week in a row. But I'm not. I don't know why. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I mention it. I think I just need some change or something. Maybe like a vacation? Still not completely sure what I need or am thinking. Its just weird.

So I'm coming home in April, the weekend after Easter. I was thinking maybe we could all get together then. Perhaps celebrate my birthday while we are all in the same state. Nothing fancy just like dinner or drinks or repeat viewings of a bootleg copy of Taken? 

Sunday, March 22, 2009


(No other words are needed.)

I made this recipe and it was delicious. I will make it again for my next guests.

BART made a puppet. It was delightful.
This was in Altoona. A city that amused me greatly.

The "Grapes of Wrath" martini I drank to celebrate Buddy's birthday.

Toi and Pomme came to visit.

Chomper turned 21 and this was his first legal drink.

I think we are all adorable.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Work has been weird the last two days. Yesterday, I had to use my managerial authority on the dishwasher. It sucked. So far, no one else has given me problems when I tell them to do something but him. He just wouldn't listen so I mentioned it to my boss and she had to talk to him. He handled it well but I still felt bad about the whole thing. 

And then today, I ended up going in 3 hours earlier than expected. Due to that, I just never fully woke up so I chugged coffee all day and now I feel weird. Like sleepy but at the same time my brain just wont turn off. Getting to bed tonight should be pretty interesting. 

The customers today were just insane. This man went off on me because we didn't have chicken salad and why didn't we have it and did any other locations have it? He took it so personally that the shipment of chicken was delayed therefore the cook hadn't made any yet. And now his day was just ruined, RUINED! I have NEVER taken it personally when something I ordered or wanted was out of stock. Oh, and teenage girls are evil, just evil. I swear I was never one, at least not like this one who COULD NOT DECIDE IF SHE WANTED A BAGEL OR NOT AND OMG JUST EAT THE CARBS IT WILL NOT KILL YOU BUT I MIGHT SO JUST EAT THE DAMN THING. 

The owner has taken to calling me "Little One." Like he ends every sentence directed to me with "Little One." Its annoying because I know he knows my name. He's used it before. His mother uses it all the time. I guess "Little One" is better than babe or kid or any of the other nicknames he has used. But really is it so hard to use my name? I don't mind nicknames but I never realized how much it means when a person learns your name and uses it. Also, I get it. I'm short. I have little hands and little feet and OMG. (Okay, that might be directed at a whole bunch of other people. I realize that. I think I'm feeling a bit hormonal today.) 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Its foggy here today.

The dictionary defines adorable as "inspiring great affection; delightful; charming." I get called adorable a lot here. I guess its a good thing?

Rita's is a Italian ice and custard shop that has officially opened for the summer. I've been 3 times since they opened on friday. I even have a cool card that once I buy 10 things, I can get one for free. This is dangerous. I think I will be eating a lot of their gelatis this summer.

My mom just called and my cousin had her baby this morning. Its a girl. Yay! Only one more cousin is pregnant at the moment and then this baby fever will be over. Even more YAY! Babies are cute and all but I think 4 in one year is a little bit much. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So Little Hugs remind me of my childhood and every time I have one, I feel soooooooooo happy.
Utz are the same for Toi.

What reminds you of your childhood?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Its always so quiet after guests leave. Especially this time since we had 8 people in the house. It takes a while to get used to the silence. I learned that Spring Break is not complete without bars, cemeteries, and a church. I really think we have our own unique style. 

Is it really too much to ask for a direct flight from Pittsburgh to GR? I don't want to have a layover in Milwaukee or Chicago or Detroit.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I'm not sure if anything can ever top last night. It was pretty spectacular. We went out to the Library for dinner and drinks in honor of Buddy's 23rd birthday. Then Pomme, Toi, BART, BART's sis and I headed to Diesel for the Punchline concert. It basically rocked my socks. I was so excited. We sang and danced and sang and danced. It was just what I needed. After, as we walked home, we passed the Milkshake Factory and doubled back to get some delicious tasty treats. Then we continued to the Cage where we met up with some of my co-workers and discussed the genocide in Sudan. You would think it would be a mood killer, but no! Buddy texted that they were at Silky's so we rejoined the group and closed down that bar. Finally, our last stop was Eat-N-Park but I really don't remember anything about that because I really really really can't do hard liquor anymore. I'm ashamed and sad. I've let you all down and become a beer drinker. I promise to make you all proud again. I swear it!

Thursday, March 5, 2009







Just promise me you will think about it? :)
(sorry this is all in caps. i have had a can of coke and a cup of coffee and i miss you all)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


This is my bruise. I got it at work when I spectacularly wiped out on a freshly mopped floor. Its the only bruise I have from the fall. I'm not quite sure how I managed to land on this part of my arm with all of my body weight but I did. I'm special like that.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I have this weird love/hate relationship with Ingrid. And I think I pretty much love this cover of hers until 2:12 where she sorta stops singing for a little bit. I can only imagine that she was overcome by the desire to go eat a burrito and forgot to keep singing or something like that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009





Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I miss traveling.

I miss Europe.

Its like my drug, my natural high.

Its a very expensive habit.


Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've become a morning person. I like waking up early and seeing the sun rise. I make myself some coffee and listen to some music, read a little. Its nice. Its weird. But I guess its completely different getting to choose when I wake up and being forced to wake up for class or work. 

I just finished watching the last episode of 'Dead Like Me.' It was such an awesome show. This episode centered around Halloween and now I really want to get a giant poofy princess gown and a tiara and swirl and swoosh and go get some candy. I also would like my own Callum Blue. He's dreamy in that skinny British sort of way. 

I got my latest Allure magazine and on the cover it told me "Pretty is Back." Umm....pretty was gone? Where did it go? Did Justin Timberlake have anything to do with this? 

The Oscars on are tonight. I completely forgot. But then I remembered and it made me think of last year's awards. That was one awesome day. I believe Toi, Pomme and I played James Bond GoldenEye all day long, like for real ALL DAY. Pomme made us a delicious chicken dinner. We liveblogged over on I cannot believe its been a year since that day. It really seems like it was just a few months ago. Its weird. I never would have imagined I would be living in Pittsburgh living this wonderfully crazy life. I guess it just goes to show you cannot plan anything but I think thats really awesome.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I want some new rain boots. The ones I have now aren't super waterproof anymore. But I still like them a lot. Do I get the same pair again?
Or do I get these ones?
They also come in black too.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I promise to write more than a sentence this time. Last night instead of our weekly pilgrimage to the bowling alley, we went to the bar to quench our thirst. To be honest, BART and I wanted to get drunkity drunk drunk. I feel we succeeded. It was $2 import night. I went to Holland and Canada. Then at midnight, it was our friend's 21!st birthday. We switched bars and continued the fun until late in the evening. Sooo I thought when I finally got to bed that I would have fallen into a deep sleep lasting 8 hours. 


5 hours later I was wide awake. Its getting to be annoying. I now get sleepy at around 5 in the afternoon but its not like I can go to sleep then.

Sorry for all the texts and calls last night. I think I bombarded some of you and I apologize. I was in a very loving mood. And I know I probably rambled. Next time, I will have someone take the phone. I was doing that meme on facebook in which you open your iTunes and random songs are answers to questions. I got to the one about what your friends think and it was 'Too Much' by the Spice Girls. I feel like I might be too much at the moment so just tell me to shut up. Really! I swear.

Oh, and I got a promotion at work. I'm not sure how I feel about it.



Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I can't sleep for more than 5 hours. My internet is being funky. 


Fix me.

Monday, February 16, 2009


This week just got a hell of a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I feel as though I haven't blogged in a long time but I see that I just blogged yesterday. I'm sure I had more to say but I'm feeling utterly exhausted. So I'll write all about my horribly exciting life later. Until then look at this picture of Monkey, he looks like a real person. It blows my mind. 


Saturday, February 14, 2009


I can see the full moon from bed when I lay down. Its pretty, Its comforting. It illuminates my room and helps me get some sleep. It also helps explain my behavior of late.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Reasons I love living in this city:
  1. There are like 4 Asian restaurants, 5 coffee shops, 3 ice cream shoppes and a cupcake bakery within 2 blocks of my apartment.
  2. Its February 11th. Today, I walked home not wearing a coat eating an ice cream cone and was perfectly comfortable. Later, I left the house in just a dress, tights and a sweater. It was awesome. When it gets colder, I will cry and refuse to leave my bed.
  3. Having a random conversation in a random parking lot.
  4. Eating at Eat-N-Park, seeing a friend through the window and having him come in to join us.
  5. Looking out my window and seeing hills dotted with rainbow colored houses. For a brief moment, I thought I was in Europe. But more importantly, it felt like home.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hypothetical question time!

If you had to go see a rapper in concert, who would you see and why?

I would see Jay-Z. He seems like a nice guy. That hat is awesome. And 99 problems is still one of my all time favorite songs.


Damn, I missed a day. I meant to blog really I did but I got distracted by things. Not much happened today. The Wings beat the Pens, 3-0. I ate some raisinettes and sour gummy worms. I watched the Grammys and was boredddddd but lacked motivation to actually turn the channel. And yes, honestly I was waiting for Chris Brown to run across the stage being followed by the police. That would have been smashing.

Hmm...I've been watching Dead Like Me lately. Its really good. But then again all of Bryan Fuller's shows usually are. They just all get canceled though.

To wrap things up how about a Monkey photo? Cogene just sent me some new ones. I like this one the best because she makes this expression too.

I wonder what happened that made him make that face?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Today when I opened my email I was greeted by this picture.

Its my ELEPHANT! Kimana is the little one all the way on the right. He is just so cute! It made my day.

It is ridiculously nice outside. Its supposed to stay this way for a few days. I hope it does. But I think I am going to have to go shopping for some more warm weather clothes. I'm sick of pants. I just want to wear skirts, dresses and shorts.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Today was a good day.

I hung out with friends.

Saw my bike guys :)

Bought some lotion.

Saw 'He's Just Not That Into You' and the Harry Potter trailer.

Made mini wheel pasta and peas.

Talked to a lot of people. It was nice.

Realized how much I miss my best friends :(

Can't wait to be in the same state again, only if its for a little bit.