Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today = BAD.

Horribly, hideously, the punches just keep coming-bad.

Sure, it had some highs. Nice, glorious highs. Highs that on a normal day would have me floating.

But the lows were horrid.

Anyway, Aussie came to visit me yesterday. It was pretty cool. We ate Lebanese food and some Italian Ice. Then we facebooked people from college. And she got to be the first one to see the new apartment! Yay!!

Friday, August 28, 2009


OMG! y'all!

I have internet and cable again!

Comcast only took their sweet ass time coming out to hook it up. And then when they finally did hook it up, I couldn't get the internet to work because they hadn't verified our account yet. I mean why would people who paid for internet want to use it right away? That is just silly. You should have to sit around for days to wait for the account to be verified. Gah!

So then I call Comcast only to be put on hold because there is an overwhelming number of phone calls at the moment. Gee I wonder if they are all waiting for their accounts to be verified. Finally, the technician picks our call and really, truly does almost nothing to help us except talk to me and BART about Texas. I'm pretty sure he thought we were one person. We talked about the Steelers, hockey, traveling, the music business (he's in school for music production, its a hard industry to break into he says), law school, the weather, his overtime, blah blah blah. He only had me restart my computer like 3 times. And then we tried firefox and then safari. Poof! It finally worked.

Thus, I am spending my Friday night surfing the internet and watching Project Runway. Or I may just fall asleep due to utter exhaustion because dear god, it has been a long ass week.

P.S. I need a hobby. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I'm going to Kennywood today. I am so so excited! It may be the only thing we actually do that we had on our list for summer. Oh well, the summer has just flown by.

I realize not having cable or internet reminds me of living in France again. I'm so bored so I sleep. The more sleep I get the more sleepy I get. It is a vicious cycle. I don't like it.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm glad this week is almost over. It was shit. shit. shit. shit.
  • I broke my digital camera
  • I broke my headphones
  • I had to say goodbye to Parrot
  • I had to say goodbye to Pickle
  • A customer grabbed me at work. It wasn't to get my attention so I could help him with something. It was simply just to touch me. I didn't like it. I really didn't.
  • I may be a dive bar sort of girl. I can't decide if I like that or if I don't.
  • I still haven't unpacked. I hate that I'm not done yet. But I have no energy or desire to do it.
But this next week is going to be better. I can feel it. Woo! Next week!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Pictures may take a bit longer as I have destroyed my less than a year old digital camera because I am super special like that. Swell!

Happy Birthday BART!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


We moved!

I still really like our new place but totally lack all motivation to unpack.

I'll update later with pictures once we get our own internet. This connection keeps cutting out for me.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Work was going fine.

We were on top of things, cruising along, joking with each other, having a great time.

And then out of nowhere, it hit.

The store imploded with customers, orders, demands, food.

It was a nightmare.

A customer, well I guess he's more like a friend now, brought us beer because we were so stressed.

It was the sweetest, nicest thing anyone has ever done.

I almost cried.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I talked to someone today who's only experience with MI was a visit to Owosso. He seemed amazed that it was 2 blocks of houses and then just fields and silos. And it was so flat. It made me chuckle.

Tonight I was thinking about how I used to spend my summers working with people who were so thankful for their very first toothbrush or how they would ask for another tube of toothpaste because they couldn't afford it at the store. Now I work with spoiled entitled people who think they deserve everything in the world while treating others horribly. Oh what a difference!

The moving day is almost here. My mom, dad and Bubba are heading out on Thursday. I am really, really excited to spend the weekend with them. But I'm also sad that Woie and Harpo wont be making the journey.

Buddy moved out on Sunday. She didn't really say goodbye and thought I was weird for being a bit emotional about her leaving. I don't know. Sure we weren't super close over the year but I got used to her being around. And I know it wont be the last time I see her, but her leaving really signified an end to me for some weird reason. I didn't really learn anything new about her this last year nor do I understand her any better. However, I think we had some good times.

This is my new favorite drink this summer. I can't get enough of it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am currently addicted to That is all.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I seem to have misplaced my Social Security card. It is the same one I just had replaced about a year ago. I for some reason had it stored in my scanner. It was safe there and I knew just where it was so I left it. But then I had to align the print cartridges and I moved it. The only problem is I cannot remember where I moved it to. I'm sort of scared that I packed it away but I don't remember. So now I get to go through all the boxes I've already packed to look for a business sized card. Awesome!

Never mind. I found it in the very first box I opened. YAY!

I don't know if some new people moved into the neighborhood or what, but all night a dog has been howling. It is just the saddest thing ever. Poor dog.

I had Swedish Fish Italian Ice today. It really did taste just like Swedish Fish. Delicious!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Moving closer to home had been really appealing lately. Then within the last 24 hours, the random family drama I had to deal with made me rethink. Granted, it has just been people (my mom and some cousins) calling to complain about their family which can happen wherever I live. But that also means I have the ability to turn off the phone and embrace the silence. Some times families can just suck.


No matter how much stuff I clear out of my room, it doesn't seem any less cluttered. I may own too much stuff. My mother was right. But I'll never tell her that.

I took a 4 hour nap today. It was delightful. I really don't get the opportunity to nap enough and that is sad.

Lately, I have been thinking of moving this blog over to wordpress because I miss wordpress. I just can't decide if it is worth it. I like that blogger hooks up with my gmail and igoogle accounts. But I like all the other stuff wordpress has to offer.

Late night conversations this week have revealed to me that I would really like to know that I will be in a place for more than 2 years. On one hand, I like moving around and discovering new cities. But on the other, it is exhausting. I would like to have one place with enough storage to put all my things. In a sense, to build a home of my own.

But then again, some days that thought of doing that, scares me soooo much because I'm young and settling down now seems scary. Pittsburgh is nice and I love living here now. However, I don't see myself here in the long run. I don't know where I see myself. Maybe in a van down by the RIVER???

Oh and I forgot to add that Squirrel Hill is getting a frozen yogurt store. I am pretty pumped for this because there is nothing better than strawberry frozen yogurt. NOTHING.