Sunday, May 31, 2009


Thursday was my friend Sniper's birthday. We went out to the Cage to celebrate with her. Near the end of the evening a fellow offered to take a picture of what was left of the group. This is what I found on my camera the next morning.
Its almost a picture. Sooo close...

Also, this is a song I can't stop listening to lately.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I had the last two days off. I spent them in Frick Park. It was awesome. 
I blew bubbles. I played frisbee. 
I hiked through the woods and saw a fox. 
I sat under a tree and read my book. I stared at clouds. 

My shoulders got some sun. I like the park.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So I got this scarf for my birthday from AUNT. She said the bird's tail reminded her of me. I don't really know what that means. I'm choosing not to put too much thought into it. Anyway, anyone have any ideas of what I should wear with it? It works pretty well as a headband. I will be honest I don't quite think it is my cup of tea.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I want to learn how to do my hair like this. Anyone know how?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I've been to Paris in the winter.

I've been to Paris in the spring.

I've been to Paris in the summer.

But I've never been to Paris in the fall.

Do y'all think that argument is compelling enough that I could actually go to Paris in the fall?

Monday, May 18, 2009


Woo! Post #200!!!!
Today I
  • worked
  • was pushed!
  • ate some sweet potato french fries
  • defended my love of the Red Wings
  • bought my dad a birthday card
  • window shopped with BART
  • took a walk around my neighborhood, it has beautiful grand old homes and smelled of pot
  • had a croissant with butter and jelly and thought of Amsterdam
  • rediscovered BSB's video collection, its horrifying 
  • drank this beer, it only took like 2 bazillion hours to finish

All in all, a pretty awesome day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hot Damn! I messed up on my numbering. I have 2! entries with the title #184. FAIL. Oh well, only took me about a month to figure it out.

Look at this here picture of Billie Piper on the set of Doctor Who.

I haven't watched any Doctor Who since they that mean horrible thing to Donna. No, I am still not over it. I don't know if I ever will be.

Anyway, thats not really the point here. The point is her scarf! I own that scarf! I got it this winter. Months before the costume department decided to use it in this episode.

Obviously, this means I am a fashionista and can predict fashion trends. Who knew?

I think this will be the new big thing.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


What do you think of this?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I found these pictures on my hard drive. They are from my recent visit to the Mitten. I love having a nephew. He is just the best thing ever.

He gets this look anytime ice cream is anywhere near him.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Once upon a time, I moved to the 'Burgh into an apartment just down the street from a Jewish elementary school. 

One day, this school decided to have an outdoor concert that started at 9 pm. Bad polka-esque music blared from speakers for hours. Sometimes people sang and sometimes they clapped along. 

It may never stop.

The End.


So last night, I was bored. Really bored. Sure there were things I could have been doing but I had absolutely no energy to do them. Instead, I sat on the couch and watched TV. Eventually, I worked up enough motivation to get up and get a slice of pizza. 

And just when I got back to the couch, this commercial started playing and basically its whole message was I was just eating because I was bored and how would I ever lose weight if I was bored all the time and therefore just shoveling food into my mouth. BLAH BLAH BLAH Damn TV commercial. It was totally uncalled for and whatever. I turned off the TV and went to bed at 10:30 because seriously? nothing else to do. 

My phone, the new one I got in October, broke. The microphone where I talk into just stopped working. At first, I thought it was just the people I was talking to. And then I thought maybe I had just stopped speaking English like this episode of House I just saw. But logic caught up with me and I realized the phone wasn't working. Well I could still text and really what else do I need the phone for? However, after calling home to wish my mom a Happy Mother's Day and my father flipping out because HE COULD NOT HEAR ME AND OMG ARE YOU HURT? ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? WHERE ARE YOU???????? I took the phone to Verizon where they confirmed that 'Yup, its not working. Here is a new one. Have a nice day.' So that was nice especially since my old one was a bit beat up as I have dropped it numerous times and thrown it in the washing machine. like for the last 3 weeks, I wake up with a sore throat. I thought maybe I was getting a cold but all the other symptoms went away. Now its just a sore throat every morning. I blame Toi.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Bored am I.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Growing up I always wanted an older brother. I saw no flaws in this request. None. 

I take it back. I take it all back.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I had the day off today. It was nice. I did nothing just what I like to do on my days off.

I think I am stressed about something. My right eye keeps twitching and I have noticed my hair is sorta falling out just a tad. The thing is I don't know what I am stressed about. It's a mystery. It's odd. I don't like it.

Does anyone else think the nickname 'short round' is just a bit too similiar to ground round?or is it just me?

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Our landlord called and told us he would be over in about an hour to show the apartment. So of course we fled because being here would have been totally awkward. The three of us ended up at B&N. It was bad, I now want so so many books. 

I call this list books and DVD collection that are destined to be mine just as soon as I get some cash:

Friday, May 1, 2009


Its May. When did it become May? April seemed to have flown by. 

The last few days have been funky, just a little bit weird. Maybe it because I've been feeling sick lately. Like cold and allergy sick. Not swine flu. I really haven't been following that. I'm not concerned about it. I don't want to know about it. I'm just going to keep living like I am.

Any of you get twitter updates sent to your phone? Have you tried the feature that lets you turn them off for a period of time? Does it work? I thought I remembered someone telling me that it doesn't work. 

I sorta want to go to the zoo tomorrow but tomorrow is also the Pittsburgh marathon which apparently shut downs the automotive traffic all over. So maybe no zoo tomorrow? I guess we will have to see. I am craving some Pamela's so maybe I will have to convince Buddy to come along with me.