Monday, December 6, 2010


Not having internet and cable at home is strange. Weird in that I don't miss cable at all. I just sub in other activities for the time spent being a couch potato. I do miss internet and it drives me crazy not having it. Though the crazy is getting smaller and smaller. So who knows, maybe some day I wont miss it at all?

Since I have to go to public places to use the internet, I've learned some things.
1) old men feel 100% comfortable just plopping down at my table and starting a conversation even though I have no interest in them. They just talk and talk while I keep my focus on the computer. It's really awkward.
2) groups of women who get together to chat over coffee are super annoying. They are loud and talk about themselves incessantly. The topics of conversation are usually super self indulgent and about crazy things such as silver cavity fillings or buying bottles of wine for waiters because they should know what the wine tastes like in case customers ask.
3) I like not living in the immediate city but I hate suburban white women. They are so whiny and really suck at driving.

Snow flurries have started in PGH. The people out here already can't drive. Adding in snow is major and causes them to use their brakes about 99.9% of the time. Going up hill, going down hill, turning requires a complete stop now. I miss being able to drive to work but I don't miss living in Squill.

I'm making my mom's Christmas present and I'm super nervous about it. But I always get nervous about gift giving for that woman so I shouldn't be too surprised. Speaking of my mom, she's still not over me moving in with Wombat. The passive aggressive swiping and pawning her issues off on other people is not appreciated. I wish she'd get over it. The rest of my immediate family seems just fine with it. Who knows about the extended family? But I don't really care about them.