Sunday, July 26, 2009


I have a burn blister on my lip due to some really hot pizza because I am really cool like that.

I kinda had a busy weekend. I worked both days. I met up with an old work friend on Friday and hung out with Aussie on Saturday night. I think that might be why I feel a bit exhausted right now.

BART and I were talking about how today felt like a really lazy Sunday to us. And then we realized we both worked like 7 hours this morning. So I guess it wasn't that lazy of a day for us.

We move into our new apartment soon and are both super excited!! If only someone would come pack up all our stuff for us. Last night as I slept, my tapestry fell down on my head. Its like my stuff is trying to pack itself, right?

Why do the templates that Blogger provides suck so much?

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Some observations from the past few days:
  • I re-watched Home Alone. Why did they fly to Paris on the morning flight? Do they even have 8 am flights to Paris? There is no way they could have made it to the airport, checked luggage and cleared security with 11 people in 45 minutes. Yes, Home Alone is a movie. I get that but for some reason it really bothered me.
  • As I continue packing for the move, I discovered I have way too many t-shirts. I blame AQ for this. I really don't even wear t-shirts anymore but I don't want to get rid of them. I'll have to figure out something to do with them.
  • During one of my many discussions with this last week my mom as she cleaned out the basement, she informed that if I wanted to keep my stuff I really needed to start moving it out. That took me a bit by surprise but I guess I'm not in college anymore so it makes sense. I just need to figure out where to put it all.
  • Coming home at 2 in the morning and discovering the chain on the door sucks.
  • Late night conversations in the rain are pretty fun.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Oh god, it's creeping in. I tried so hard at first to keep it out but I grew lax and now it's there. I can hear it. Agh!!!

Which American accent do you have?


You're not Northern, Southern, or Western, you`re just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don`t really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

I sorta hate these quizzes as I second guess almost every answer.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I don't know why but for some reason tonight, I suddenly decided that I hated my template. I couldn't even think about going to bed before I changed it because there was no way I could stand looking at that red, yellow and green anymore.

So I picked this to get me through the night. I don't know. Perhaps I will keep it or maybe I will changed it tomorrow.

All I know is I will be able to sleep soundly tonight knowing that I wont have to wake up to that template tomorrow,

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I just got all this energy to pack up my stuff for the move. So I did. Only like 3 boxes but still it's a start. Probably the earliest I have ever started to pack for anything ever. Hopefully, I can keep it up and everything will be ready for when we actually move.

I wasn't even on the plane yesterday before I started this giant to-do list in my head. It feels a bit overwhelming. But I think I can get it all done. I just have to be really motivated.

Lately, I have been feeling a bit anxious. Like I am waiting for something to start and it just wont. It is really annoying. I hope I can figure it out soon.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I write this from Pomme's totally adorable apartment. It is really cute and comfortable.

I love it here. I really don't want to leave to go back to my real life. It is a lot more fun to run around the city, spending money and eating tons of yummy food. But I guess that is all apart of growing up and being an adult.

This is the first time I have spent more than one night in the Windy city and I like it. I really do. So maybe if Seattle doesn't work out as my next city, I will move here. Who knows??

Monday, July 13, 2009


Work day 6 of 7 straight. Today was interesting. Some really horrible customers with really bad attitudes. 

I am so ready for my mini-vacation in Chicago with Pomme. It could not come at a better time. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I got another business card at work today...hahahahaha

This job is crazy. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I had a dream that I was on a date with Benji Madden and I was having a really good time. We were shopping for a wedding dress. It was really weird and I have no idea what it means or where it came from. 

I now have a car in PGH. So far, its been really nice. But now I am constantly worried that something is going to go wrong with it. I'm sorry that I ever made fun of Toi and Sven's tires. I understand now. 

I really want to go on a road trip to Maine. Does anyone else want to go? I was thinking the fall when the leaves change color.