Thursday, April 29, 2010


I need some opinions peeps. I want to get a messenger bag but I can't decide what color. I had narrowed it down to the deep blue/yellow one but then they came out with other colors. So which one?
PS They don't seem to fit in the frame. They did when I looked at the preview. I'm too tired to mess around with it but you guys get the picture (HARHARHAR!)

Sunday, April 25, 2010


So I'm officially 24. I was sorta kinda freaking out about it in the days leading up to my birthday but then I was told that I have 6 more years until I'm old. I'm going to take that and run with it.

My day was pretty fabulous and full of fun. My parents took me to Pamela's for breakfast and then we stopped by the Top Chef tour where we saw Eli and Richard Blais. They are very short. I took my parents on a tour of the city and showed them the new neighborhoods I'm considering moving to in August. My mom promptly freaked out and said no. We fought a bit over it, I drank some wine, we've agreed to keep discussing it. Dinner was at Church Brew Works. I had steak, it was yummy.

My night then took me to a bar to watch the Pens game and I'm ashamed to admit I cheered them on. But I should state that I never cheered for Crosby. Next we went to Lawrenceville: Art All Night which was really, really cool. It was a huge warehouse filled with people and art and musicians and oddly enough pirates. I wished we could have spent more time there but we ended up moving to Belvedere's where they were having roller skating. And that is how I ended up roller skating in a bar on my 24th birthday. It was an adventure for sure but loads and loads of fun!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Modcloth hates me. First, they sell out of every dress I want. And now that it is too late, they are cranking out super cute dresses like these:

I think I would live in cute sundresses if the world would allow me.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I had an appointment with the eye doctor today. I bonded with the receptionist, Ginger. I think we're like best friends now. She helped me pick out my new glasses. I'd post the pictures I have of me wearing them but I'm making stupid faces in all of them.

But before I could get to my new glasses, they had to get approval from my insurance and it wasn't working. I had to call my mom to get my dad's SSN and she ended up giving me 2 possibilities. None of those were working either. And then it hit me, my life has been a lie. My family must be in the witness protection program and no one ever told me. Or we're royalty banished from our rightful home. God, it all makes perfect sense. But then Ginger broke my dream bubble and informed me that the insurance company had simply for some odd reason shortened my dad's name to Berna. I could have been a princess, I tell you.

I figured out how I am going to convince my parents that moving to Bloomfield or Lawrenceville is a good idea. They have Catholic Churches. No way will my parents have any issues now. Sure, I stopped going to church years ago and I don't really follow any Catholic rules anymore. That doesn't matter because with a church in my neighborhood there would be a slight, slight, slight increase in the odd chance that I may wonder into a church. Huzzah! WIN!

I've also decided I should get a handyman special apartment. And then I could paint walls and like nail stuff. I'd be awesome at it. And when you all come to visit, you could leave your mark. Think about how cool it would be, come on now, you know it would be.


Life can be so ironic and cruel. Throwing the exact same situation in your face over and over again but with different people and different roles. I get it! You can stop now.

Anyway, today I wandered around Pittsburgh by myself. In all the time I've lived here, it was a first for me. I made my way to Lawrenceville for their Blossom tour. I didn't stop at all of the shops and I didn't take seeds from all of my stops. I did, however, find birthday presents for a few people who may have birthdays coming up. It was a very cool afternoon even if it was like 40 degrees out and I didn't bring gloves.

But as I wandered over Lawrenceville, I realized I really, really want to move there or Bloomfield. These neighborhoods aren't as pretty as Squirrel Hill and probably aren't as safe, not that they are super dangerous. They just aren't as family orientated. I just can't stand Squirrel Hill anymore. I feel restless and bored here. Nothing is new, nothing is exciting, nothing is inspirational. I want out.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


What do you do when you find out your new favorite donut place is owned by someone who's views are drastically different than yours? I don't mind that he has different views than me. The world would be so boring if we all felt the same way about everything. But I find that I'm having a big problem giving money to this business that is supposed to be about peace and love yet thinks "gays and lesbians as an immoral minority." It seems to be a big, huge contradiction. One that really, really bugs me. So event though the donuts were tasty, I don't think I could go back anytime soon.

I'm sitting in a cafe right now. It is their birthday and they are offering cappuccinos for only $.61. I haven't had a real one in a really long time. I forgot how could they can be with their frothiness. I may have to get another and then one to take with me when I leave. Also people watching is the single greatest free pastime ever. People are sooo funny.

I need to get some new headphones. I can hear that mine are about to die. They've lasted a year with is uber long for a pair of my headphones. I used to kill them within weeks. And while I will probably just buy another pair of earbuds from Target, I kind of really want to get a pair like these. They are so impractical and I would probably only use them a few times.

I discovered my mom may send me to Panama for Easter next year. Panama City, Florida not Panama City, Panama. I first assumed the country and was bewildered, certain I would die from a tropical disease but at least I would get to see the canal. I don't know how I feel about this. It probably wont happen. But just so you know, plane tickets from Pittsburgh to Panama City, Panama start at $377. That seems really cheap. It also appears to take all day to get there.

The 4th dress I picked out for my birthday is sold out. I give up and am just going to wear something in my closet. It seems like the most responsible decision and isn't that what growing up is all about.

I'm a bit late to the game but I watched the first episode of the new Doctor Who last night. I don't know what to think. I liked parts. I was bored during others. I spent most of my time screaming at the computer because I knew what he had to do and he was taking too long. I wished he would have kept young Amelia. I liked her a lot better.

Oh and with Toi's encouragement, I cut up a pair of jeans and made some shorts. So far I feel like it was the right decision and I am loving them.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Why hello there! How are you today? I'm doing alright.

I spent Easter working and then I went to Easter dinner at some friends. I drank mimosas out of a purple cup shaped like a bunny's head. It had a bendy straw. It was delightful. Another highlight was a home cooked meal prepared by someone who was not me. It was delicious and while I did enjoy the vegan mashed potatoes, real ones are still king. I also realized how much I miss playing Spoons.

I've learned how to say no. Well, kinda. This guy who was at Easter dinner showed up at work today and asked me out. I almost said yes because it seemed easier. He suggested fishing and then I got really intrigued. But I held my ground and told him I was sorta seeing someone (LIE, all LIE, I'm as single as they come). So while I'm not going out on a date with him, I still couldn't bring myself to tell him flat out no. I'm working on being more assertive. I promise.

Alright, that is all I can think of which is weird because I swear I had something else to write about it but nope.


P.S. (ETA) I remembered!!! I have a cold. I would really like to breath out of both of my nostrils. Though I do really like being able to swallow without sharp pains attacking. Also, the heat wave has me sleeping with my windows open. DEAR GOD THE DAMN BIRDS ARE SOOOO LOUD. I HATE THEM. DIE BIRDS DIE!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Today was a day of breakthroughs.

First, I wore shorts. I don't normally wear shorts. In fact, at the end of last summer, I bought my first pair of shorts in years. I may have blinded people with my white, white skin today but it felt good.

Second, I watched Up! Now, I got the DVD for Christmas but I haven't been able to watch it until today. I saw the movie in theaters with Toi and absolutely loved it. However, the movie, especially the first 15 minutes, makes me feel all saddddddddd and a tiny, teeny bit alone.

Third, this didn't really happen today. Nor is it really a breakthrough but it made me really, really happy. I was able to order an Oberon! And it was tasty!