Monday, December 28, 2009


Due to the fact that it was snowing this morning when I woke up and that I'm not on the schedule for work until Wednesday, I decided to spend one more day in MI. I'm almost over this cold. I wont miss it.
Christmas Eve continued to be a day that I wish I could skip. My mom's side all assumed I was hungover and took turns smelling my cup of Coke to see if it had alcohol in it. And then I discovered that all cousins under the age of 16 had never seen the original Star Wars trilogy. My cousin and I then forced them to watch the marathon on Spike. It only got worse. They asked what the difference was between Star Wars and Star Trek. They hurt my soul.

We moved on to my dad's side. I even put makeup on for them only to be told I've looked better and hey? am I hungover? Dinner was interrupted when Cogene broke out into hives and ran from the house with her dad and brother in search of Benadryl. They finally returned an hour and a half later after they had returned home to ensure that no one had broken into their house because they had a feeling. The whole family went to church and they made us sit in the 3rd row which was practically the first row as no one sat in front of us.

But the rest of Christmas was wonderful and fabulous. I got over my Christmas funk just in time to enjoy the day, yay!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Slowly but surely I am chipping away at my to do list for christmas. I finally broke down and took some help from my mom. I really hate doing that but I realized I was just being stubborn. I hear I can be real stubborn at times. Hmm....
I am currently sitting at work even though my shift doesn't start for a half hour. I over estimated the amount of time I would need at Barnes & Noble. Then my favorite coffee shop was filled with people. All these people I have never seen before so clearly they are just there to bug me.
Oh I didn't mention that the cold that has been looming for the last 2 months has finally hit. So I am a bit irrational and congested and sore throaty and a teensy bit miserable. Just ignore me. Really.
For real? This little boy is having a complete breakdown over his pizza bagel and something about toasting? He keeps staring at me too. I don't get children. They scare me.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Yesterday, I poured 200 degree water on my left hand.
Today, I cut my left hand with a knife.

I fully expect to dislocate a finger or as Toi helpfully suggested maybe all of my bones will disappear.

I think I'm going to get this haircut when I come back to MI for the holidays.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I just got yelled at by my mother for asking her questions about her Christmas List. This is going to be a very Merry Christmas.

On monday, I spent the day running around the 'burgh with Sniper. She had never been to the incline so we rode that. And then since we had both never rode the T, we did that. The day also included fudge, pitas, drunken shopping at Goodwill and glo-in-the-dark bracelets. Oh, and we ate dinner here. All in all, a very good day off.

I now have two people crossed off my shopping list for Christmas. But that is really only because we agreed not to buy each other presents but go out to a nice dinner instead. At this rate, I should be done with Christmas shopping around April which is when I think I finished last year.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I got my new ID in the mail. I think my picture is decent so I'm pretty happy with it. Except I broke my wallet so now I don't have a place to put the ID. I think I want this one. So who wants to get it for me?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I've decided that when bad stuff happens you just have to find a positive aspect and focus on that.
Self pity wont help anything and probably will make everything worse, make those around you annoyed.

Therefore, lately, I've learned just how deep friendships run. It surprised me and made me feel incredibly loved.

Yup, I'm a warm pile of goo.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I think I accidentally went on a date this weekend. He was a friend who I haven't seen in a while. We ran into each other a few weeks ago and agreed to get together to catch up on life, which sounded perfectly reasonable and friendly. At least I thought so.

But then we got to the bar and he wouldn't let me pay for anything. And then some of things he was saying were setting off bells in my head. He insisted on walking me home and then shocking! asked to use the bathroom when we got to my place. Hahaha soo tricky! I'm not stupid. However, I couldn't think of a reason that he couldn't use it so I let him.

And then the little slime ball tried a move. Ugh, I was pissed, PISSED! I stormed over to the door and made him leave. Oh, dude totally lives with his girlfriend of about a year. So yeah, that was my saturday night. Fun, right?

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I have to get a Pennsylvanian drivers license because apparently I am committing a misdemeanor by still having my Michigan one. Whoops! I should really get on that. I swear I will go do it on Tuesday. BART printed me off the forms. I've collected all the necessary proof of residency so all that is left is motivation. That and the perfect outfit for my new picture.

I am so behind on my Christmas shopping. I have exactly one gift bought. I have about 2 picked out but beyond that I am screwed. I don't know what it is but I'm just not into Christmas this year. I'm enjoying Christmas lights and Christmas cookies and that is about it. I never understood how people could take tropical vacations this time of the year. But I totally get it now.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


My mom asked for a Christmas list. I gave her the Christmas in a very timely manner. But recently, she keeps telling me it is lacking a big, EXCITING! item. My brothers' lists were the same so she just made up things for them. I don't really want her to do that for me. So now I'm racking my brain for something to tell her but I'm not sure what to tell her.
A KitchenAid Mixer?

Any ideas???